Come and Play Day
Last week we held a 'Come and Play' day in the Albert Halls in Stirling. We wanted to provide an opportunity for musicians in the local area to come and play alongside members of the orchestra and have a day of musical fun. We had almost 40 non-orchestra musicians who came along, all with a great mix of instruments - it didn't matter how many instruments in each section we had. We had seven flutes and they sounded great!

We played Finlandia by Sibelius and also Symphonic Dance No. 8 by Dvorak, with Stephen spending time working through the trickier sections. After a few hours practice we were ready to perform what we'd learned to a small audience of family and friends at the end of the day.

Holding this day was a first for us, and the feedback we received from those who came along was really positive which means we may run another similar day sometime this space!